How Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Technology Are Being Used in the Fight Against the Covid19 Pandemic?

COVID-19 pandemic has massively changed the world and routines. The normalcy factor was disrupted, the social gathering became a no-no, and individuals could not perform regular things as they used to. Businesses had undergone colossal change, enterprises had to figure out and implement measures to keep their business running without placing human lives in danger. Work from home (WFH) became the new norm, bedrooms and living areas became personal offices, family members became their colleagues including infants and kids.  


Electrum IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the best software development company that engineers AI to companies to enhance their workforce. 


AI has progressed extremely in recent years and the dependence on technology has increased. The number of inventions done during the pandemic is crazy. Professional lives have not only been productive but also safe, thanks to tech. AI, Data Science, and technologies have been utilized to fight the pandemic. 



AI & Machine Learning Solutions can help detect the coronavirus symptoms and help the frontline healthcare workers to serve patients more effectively. Scientists across the globe use tech to their advantage to reduce its spread. After the initial outbreak, the tech warned and informed experts about its duration, rate, and intensity.  


Machines and robots 

The devices in the pandemic era have helped people to receive food, medications, and other general necessities. Robots and machines do not get infected so large corporations have installed thousands of devices to run their businesses without hurdles. E-commerce has made profits. Electrum IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has enhanced companies by delivering services supreme AI aid.  


Some robots are designed to kill viruses and bacteria with ultraviolet light, these machines are spontaneous and perform their tasks for a long time. The food industry saw high demand for home deliveries as social distancing prompted citizens to stay safe at their residences.  

Development in the medical sector 

AI algorithms help drug developers to build needed medications and vaccines for people across the globe. During the initial days of the pandemic, artificial intelligence played a major role by suggesting existing drugs and medications that saved millions of people.  


Hospitals and clinics have incorporated machines to detect patients and treat them effectively. As time progressed, the tech industry invented various machines that helped the healthcare sector to detect people from symptoms and prescribe measures to be safe and sound. Facial recognition and temperature detector software aided professionals to detect potentially infected people. This program helped the spread of the virus and supported on-site employees to work in a safe environment. 


IT & Software Consulting Company across the globe use measures to make sure that employees who work on the field get tested every day. When they were tested negative then only, they were permitted to work.  


Blocking rumors 

Every single day rumors were spread like wildfire, companies used AI to remove fake news on the internet as much as they could. Negative messaging is a major thing the world doesn't need, demotivating the healthcare and frontline workers do not help. They sacrifice their personal life to save unknown valuable lives. Customers across the board approach experts at Electrum IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd to segregate fake news with legit information. Our AI services are enhancing and updating false information.  



It is amazing how tech can identify high-risk patients in the initial stage, real-time solutions helped to diminish the spread. Now, people don't need to leave their residences to get a diagnosis. Individuals with fewer risks are advised to stay at their places as they do not need attention at all times. 


Studies that were done in the past and present conditions help AI to analyze the data and bring practical solutions to demolish the pandemic. Slowly but steadily, countries that are on the safer side are permitting their respective individuals to unmask as part of their routine.  

Let's utilize AI, Data Science, and technologies to the max so that we can eradicate COVID-19 most effectively and forever.  


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